
Ramona is a mother of four and a new grandmother to a baby girl. For Ramona, the $1,000 came at the perfect time. Her hours had just been cut at work and though she was able to make ends meet, she was having to dip into her savings. “I'm very thankful because the program came in handy when I needed it most. Like it was a blessing.” The money kept her from having to take on a second job so she’s able to spend more time with her kids, helping her daughter with homework, and having “a mommy and daughter day” on the weekends. Without the money she tells us, “I would've been at work probably more than what I normally would have been. Working two jobs and stuff, trying to balance it out and not enough time spending it with my loved ones.” 

By the time the program ends, her hours at work are almost back to where they were pre-covid. Before she got the $1,000 she tells us she used to get headaches and cry from so much stress, but now her stress is at a zero. “It's been a great experience and I know they're changing lives, they changed mine, so I can just imagine how many other people lives they're changing. And I'm glad for it.”