
Jessie, a single mother to two children, is a business analyst. During the three years of the program she was laid off from two jobs. The $1,000 a month gave her a financial cushion to be able to search for a new job each time. The first time, Jessie was able to spend months looking for a job until she found one she wanted. Her income from employment increased over the three years in the program. Now, Jessie finds herself unemployed again, but she has money saved up. 

Between her savings, unemployment insurance, and the unconditional cash, she is able to weather this period of unemployment. She feels because of the money she can be selective with her job search. Jessie has a number of “must haves,” including working 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday and not being on call. She is confident she will be able to find something and says that since the program started, each job she has taken has been better than the one she left.