
With the unconditional cash transfers, Martha was able to move her and her children out of her sister's house where they were living with 7 other people, and into their own house where each of her kids had their own room. Throughout the past three years Martha experienced a job loss, as well as ended an abusive relationship. During these periods of time, she feels the $1,000 carried her through. There were times she had to depend entirely on the money. 

At the end of the program, she is working a stable job with excellent benefits that she loves. Though she feels like she is in the same financial situation as before the program started, the cash assistance allowed her to take on expenses she otherwise could not–such as renting her own house and buying a car. Martha explains, “It’s just like I’m back in the same spot that I was, but now I have more financial responsibility”. 

But I tell you it helped me in so many ways, it really made a big change in my life. I feel a little more secure because I knew I had that money coming in every month. That was the money I was depending on to pay my car payments, I was depending on for my bills. I was able to get this house with that money. I was able to get a nice place for me and my kids.”