
Mallory is a mother to two pre-teen daughters. Prior to being selected to receive $1,000 per month, Mallory tells us, “I was kind of stuck”. Mallory was in an abusive relationship with her husband. He refused to work, and she was the sole income for her household. Because of this, she wasn’t able to save money and didn’t feel she had financial security to make it on her own. Just before she started receiving the unconditional income, she had left her husband and moved her daughters into her parents’ house.  She did not have stable employment at the time and was unsure how she was going to make ends meet. Her parents were helping as best they could, but they were not financially stable either. Everyone was struggling.   

Mallory recalls the first time she saw the $1,000 payment in her account. She describes she felt, “overwhelming relief”. “I was scared of the thought of having to support my children on my own without any kind of assistance. And once I got the money, it really helped me not feel like I was stuck”. Without the program, Mallory tells us, “I would probably still be in an abusive relationship.” Because of the $1,000 she was able to get her daughters away from an abusive home life, and expose them to new experiences like the skate park or going to their local splash pad, that she had been unable to do before.