
Lisa is a single mother to three living in Texas. At the start of program, she had no income. Lisa has lupus which kept her out of the workforce at the time, and her short-term disability had been cut off. At the time, her goal was to return to the workforce. Because of the $1,000 per month, Lisa is able to take a job making less money than at her previous job, but with a company that offered more opportunity for growth. 

Two years later, Lisa is in a salaried position, making over 75k, has gotten two promotions, and thinks she can get another within a year. She loves her job. “If I didn’t have that money from Every Dollar Counts, there is no way I could have taken that pay cut, but hearing about the growth opportunities, I was like, I have to give this a shot, but if I didn’t have the EDC money, there’s no way I would have been able to take this.”  Lisa was also able to leave her abusive boyfriend and move into her own place, which wouldn’t be possible without the unconditional cash transfers. Her three sons are thriving.