
Four years before the program started, Lila was the victim of a horrific domestic violence attack. “I got shot three times in my head, stabbed in the neck. I was completely paralyzed on the right side, totally blind. Um, some of it has come back and I've learned to like walk and stuff again, but that has definitely like affected my life so much.” As a result, she has PTSD, partial blindness and multiple complications, impairing her ability to drive, and making it difficult for her to work or live independently. She applied for disability benefits but was repeatedly denied. 

When she learns she will be receiving $1,000 a month felt like it was replacing “the disability that the government keeps refusing me.” Unable to work, she feels if it were not for the program, “I probably would be homeless without it.” 

"It's allowed me to be able to not work but still be able to pay for everything I need to and focus fully on getting my mental health and school stuff figured out. It's a huge help." In preparation for the end of the program she’s been building up her savings more and talking with lawyers to try once again to apply for disability benefits.