
At the time the program started, Heather was trying to navigate and ultimately end an abusive relationship, her father had just passed away, she had just lost her job, and she was unsuccessfully trying to apply for disability benefits. She says, “I was struggling mentally…I wanted everything to be different. It was such a miserable time.” For Heather, the unconditional income was something reliable in her life at a time when everything was falling apart. “If I hadn't have had that money, I would've lost my apartment.” The money helped her make ends meet, and gave her more confidence in the idea that she is valued. Because of the program she tells us, “I survived, I learned a new skill, and I learned that there are really good people in this world.”

Three years later, Heather is in a better place than at the start of the program. She is investing in her own mental health, and building a “positive, healthy” new relationship. The $1,000 allowed her to work part-time while attempting to apply for disability benefits again. She used some of the money to buy a tattoo machine, and start tattooing, which had been a dream job of hers. “One of the many great things that have come out from having this money each month, is I was able to, you know, try and go for something that I've always wanted to try.” Her goal is to eventually make this her job.