
Eliza is a mother to two children. She lives with her husband, her business partner, and her two young sons. Eliza, her business partner, and her husband all work in the theater. Eliza has a BFA in Fashion Design and her husband works for a theater-related non-profit. Prior to the start of the program, Eliza co-owns a costuming business out of her home, making high-end, made-to-order costumes. The $1,000 per month helped their small business become bigger over the three years in a way that was "overwhelmingly positive." Because of the money, Eliza didn't have to do as many "outside jobs" for steady income and instead could spend her time developing her own ideas and products, progressing their business.

The unconditional cash allowed Eliza more time for creativity. She tells us they have “managed to rise to the top of their field”. Their business now comes highly recommended, and they have to turn away business. It will be rough adjusting to life without the money, “but I think ultimately, we'll get there.”  They are planning to focus more on Etsy and craft shows, and hope to get a wider product base in the future. Eliza was also able to buy a house during the program.