
Dominique grew up feeling like she didn’t matter. Raised in an abusive household, she was constantly told she would never amount to anything. As an adult, her inability to support her family financially continued to reinforce those beliefs in her mind. She was struggling to find employment because she could not afford a car, and this caused significant depression. She feels that with a car, and a job, “I might actually be able to get a little bit happier with things. I won't feel like such a burden on people. Not having to ask people to help out financially would help out significantly in my mind.” 

With the money, Dominique was able to get a car, and secure a job. She put money down on a house and moved her family.. She also used the money to help people, giving money to her friends and family when they needed it. She feels that being a part of the program has helped undo some of the negative self-talk instilled in her as a child.