
Desiree is a mother to five, three of whom are in college and two younger children who live at home. At the start of the program, Desiree worked part-time as a photographer, though limited due to lack of childcare. Her husband’s paychecks were their primary source of income. Desiree described creatively prioritizing expenses each month, sometimes not turning the water back on or going without internet, to make ends meet. When she learned about the unconditional cash she thought to herself, “Oh my gosh, I might actually be able to pay some things without struggling every month.” 

Over the three years, Desiree was able to use the $1,000 per month to help her mother out with a grocery delivery service, so she didn’t have to leave her home during the pandemic. She used the money to access healthier foods for her family, help support her older children in college, and buy her younger kids clothes and books for school. She was able to put her youngest son in sports, which she could never afford before the cash assistance. 

At the end of the program, she reflected on the fact that between her work, her husband’s income, and the consistent unconditional cash, her credit score has improved, and they’ve been able to keep up with their mortgage, and provide support to family members. She feels her life is a 10/10 now, and she has aspirations to start a small charity to help others struggling.