
Daniel, a father of two, suffers chronic daily pain. Daniel has had three knee, three back, and one shoulder surgery, result of his years of military service and playing soccer. Over the years Daniel found himself working numerous low paying jobs that were hard on his body. When he started receiving the $1,000 per month, Daniel was able to combine the cash with his wife’s income, and his VA disability benefits to make ends meet while he searched for employment that was easier on his body. He feels the cash gave him more freedom to be more selective in his job search and he now works a higher paying job, working fewer hours than his previous job, and finds it better for his health. “I didn’t have to take the first crappy job I was able to find. I was able to hold out for something a little better pay-wise.”

Daniel’s primary goal was to use the cash to pay off his credit card debt, which he almost entirely paid off. 

At one point, he was out of work for two months, and the cash helped save him from accumulating more debt. Daniel feels he and his family will be fine financially when the program is over.