
Chloe was in the process of making a career change, transitioning from waitressing to an office job. She had been making more waitressing, but it was very hard on her body. She was also being sexually harassed by one of the cooks. During this transition her budget was tight, and she was barely making enough money to get by. The $1,000 could not have come at a better time. “I was so happy, because I was working two jobs at the time and because I had just done that career change.” She feels she had a primary goal for the money – save for a house – and she achieved that. 

Chloe is proud she has something to show for the money, and that she was also able to use the money to help others throughout the years – starting a bible study group out of her house, and being able to give money to or buy food for friends and family when they needed help. “I felt like you did remove a great deal of stress off of me,” she tells us. However, she acknowledges that money doesn’t fix everything. Now that the program ended, her goal is to work on budgeting better and being more financially responsible.